At VitalOpps, our Salesforce deployments are anchored in a reliable, proven process.
Because Salesforce is vast and far-reaching, we fully evaluate and understand your business’s needs – ensuring that your deployment creates a strong Salesforce foundation that you know how to use.
The five VitalOpps core milestones are present in all of our deployments: from the simplest of Quickstarts to the most complex custom projects:
Business Process Review (BPR)
Custom Configuration
Data Import
Customized End User Training & Documentation
Custom Reports and Dashboards
These milestones form the “spine” of the process, and are flexible as needed. For example, in a complex deployment we may expand the milestones to address the unique and specific needs of that particular project.
We start configuring Salesforce very early on in the process – typically during the BPR – so you’re able to see the application begin to mirror your business process from the earliest stages.
This allows you to grasp the fundamentals of Salesforce more quickly –which in turn allows you to play a more active role in the development of the platform. With each refinement – and with your involvement – the application becomes a more accurate representation of your specific processes.